Become a Patron! FreedomWorks, the organizers of this event at the Southern Cooking restaurant in McDonough, Georgia on December 5th, 2020, is a Koch Brothers-founded organization that was instrumental in pushing the Tea Party back in 2010. The Tea Party, once famous for having its supporters show up at town halls of Republicans heckling them…
Category: Video
Cable News FINALLY Has Expert on to Talk Extremists
Finally cable news had an actual expert on to talk about far-right extremism.
Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach and the ‘We Build the Wall’ Scandal
For August 21st, 2020 (This is a slightly extended version of the piece published at the link above) Kris Kobach, creator of the Crosscheck voter purge program which has thrown millions off Americans of the voter rolls is once again in the middle of a corruption scandal. The ‘non-profit’ that he acted as lead…
Nikema Williams to Take Place of Rep. John Lewis on Ballot in November 2020
Congressman John Lewis passed this week leaving a nation mourning and a place on the ballot open for his seat in Congress. The Democratic Party in Georgia was left to decide who was to take that slot and they chose State Senator Nikema Williams. She’s a prominent member of the State Senate in Georgia and…
Proud Boys, Militias Bikers and Nazis ‘Defend’ Gettysburg from ‘Antifa’
It all started out with a hilariously bad social media post. It was a graphic that was just too oddly made. I won’t say bad, but I certainly won’t say good – either way, it certainly wasn’t made the way that an antifascist would. “ANTIFA PRESENTS” should have been the first sign… before you even…
Dean of UDC Law Speaks at #BLM March
Washington D.C. – June 6th, 2020 The Renée McDonald Hutchins, the Dean of the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law compared the death of George Floyd to past martyrs of the Civil Rights movement like George Stinney who was executed by the state when he was 14 years old….
Terms and Conditions DO Apply – Instagram for Photojournalists
Become a Patron! Award-winning photographer Yunghi Kim has been warning photographers of posting on Instagram for about a decade now. We should have listened to her. Over the years the photo-sharing site’s terms and conditions have evolved as corporate expectations change. Several years ago, the Facebook-owned Instagram changed their terms and conditions to include specifics…
Anniversary of Alaska’s Fight Against Big Oil’s #SB21
Six years ago, I was in Alaska covering the fight against the oil companies take over of the Alaskan government under the guise of Senate Bill 21. SB21 would dramatically change the tax structure for oil drilled in Alaska – taxes that pay for the state’s operational costs, including the Permanent Dividend Fund (PFD). Six…
UAW Vote in Chattanooga is Close
You can support Zach’s work at his Patreon. Earlier this month I worked with Mike Elk of for – we got some really interesting behind the scenes stories about the United Auto Workers union vote and why there might just still be hope for a union at the VW plant in Chattanooga, Tenn….
VisuNews Editor on Jesse Jackson’s Keep Hope Alive
This past weekend I was on Keep Hope Alive with Reverend Jesse Jackson chatting about the North Carolina 9th district and one of the most clear cut cases of election fraud I’ve ever seen. I was joined by investigative journalist Greg Palast in the second hour.