VisuNews Podcast: Jackson’s Water Crisis with Laurie Bertram Roberts

Become a Patron! This is a new bi-weekly special for the Visu.News podcast where we check in on activists across the country – especially ones in quote-unquote “RED STATES.” These are some of the most badass activists around – they’re not just fighting for their causes with passion and way too little money… if any,…

Episode 11: Nazi’s Lose And Unions Win

Unions win and Nazi’s lose this week in the news. Subscribe on podbean, or on iTunes. This is the Visu.News podcast. This week my co-host Aaron Cynic and I talk about the two stories that we covered for Visu.News and But before we get into the news – I have to remind you As…

Visu.News Podcast: Greg Palast on Late Great Robert Parry

Investigative Journalist Greg Palast talks with me about the late great Bob Parry. Parry was behind some of the biggest investigations of the last half century.  Palast and I also talk about our film’s update which you can now watch for free on Amazon Prime.   

Law Enforcement is AWOL in Charlottesville

Originally written and photographed for This is part two of a two part series (at least for now) questioning the motives and intentions of the law enforcement agencies surrounding the attacks in Charlottesville, Virginia in August. Read part one here. If you’ve read my previous pieces for NationofChange, you’d know I was on the ground…