WATCH: CBS Sunday Morning on Photojournalists

CBS Sunday morning ran a 9 minute segment on combat photojournalists – focusing on Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros’ legacy – it’s a high recommended watch. The piece also discusses the important Bronx Documentary Center. If you haven’t seen Hondros the fantastic documentary about the award winning photojournalist Chris Hondros yet – it’s currently available…

WATCH: 92yo Woman Blocked from Voting in Georgia

Mrs. Lawrence is 92 years old, has been “voting right here since 1968,” the year Martin Luther King was shot. Today, her vote registration has vanished, no record she EVER voted. Brian Kemp’s purge machine strikes without warning, no notice sent. No points for guessing Grandma Lawrence is African-American. 3 Granddaughter Jessica can stop her…

WATCH: The 2018 Golden Probes

The Golden Probes is hosted by Margaret Cho, stars presenters Stormy Daniels, Kathy Najimy, the cast of Netflix’s Orange is the New Black and many more. Watch it now! Lizz Winstead: The Golden Probes are an annual event that we do every year, sort of going back to helping folks learn about state and local politicians….

Greg Palast and Jesse Jackson Are Suing Kris Kobach

Originally published in Anyone following my and Greg Palast’s work will likely already knows the answer. For the last four years  been on the trail of Kobach and his voter purge lists – so after dozens of FOIA’s, thousands of miles of on the road and more airline miles than Trump has racked up…

Keep Hope Alive: VisuNews Co-Editor on Jesse Jackson’s Radio Show

Normally I don’t share my radio and podcast appearances but this was a great one. We were on with an amazing cast of election and voting experts – beyond Jesse Jackson who actually ran for President once (1984) there was David Daley (author RatFucked) and Barabara Arnwine (Committee for Civil Rights Under Law), Charles Ellison,…

Video: Vermin Supreme at AmRen 2018 Protest

Co-Founder Aaron Cynic was in Burns, Tennessee this weekend to cover protests of AmRen, an annual gathering of white supremacists in a local state park. While there he caught up with artist, activist, and presidential candidate Vermin Supreme, who talked about why he traveled to stand with anti-racists and anti-fascists, the dystopian police presence, and…

It’s Even Worse Than You Think – Greg Palast & David Cay Johnston

LIVE FROM LA: It’s Even Worse Than You Think: David Cay Johnston & Greg Palast Live from LA – from the sold-out event. Full frontal exposure of the Trump Presidency by two New York Times bestselling investigative reporters — conversing, debating. Johnston’s It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America, opened this…

Visu.News State of the Union Hangover Party LIVE!

Tonight is the first ever (hopefully last) State of the Union speech from President Trump. Aaron Cynic and Zach D Roberts be live right after the Trump finishes bloviating. TUNE IN and SHARE! Support Zach on Patreon at Support Aaron on Patreon at

A Year in the Resistance in Photos – 2017

Originally published at Support my work and Visu.News on Patreon Become a Patron! There were some 2016 that had hoped that this year, 2017, would be turn out differently. The idea was that the Donald Trump that we all saw in campaign speeches and at the Republican National convention was just a ploy. The…

WATCH: SCOTUS May Have Already Decided Alabama Election

Best Democracy Money Can Buy – Shelby County, Alabama V Holder from Greg Palast on Vimeo. Reposted from I hope you savored the moment. Yesterday, Monday December 11, voting rights advocate John Brakey won a court order – in Montgomery, Alabama no less – requiring every county to keep copies of their ballots after…