Editors note – this is a straight up press release. We pretty much never publish these, but this is a book that I’m featured in, along with Greg Palast and many other lefty journalists and activists. I highly recommend checking it out. Get the book here. On April 15, tax day, we think about money….
Author: Zach Roberts
White Supremacy Knows No State Lines
I live in Upstate New York. A family down the road from me decided to use their children’s side walk chalk to draw a four foot by six foot Confederate flag on the road on Easter Sunday. These same people had a Confederate flag that said “Come and Take It” and had a AR-15 on…
Stoneman Douglas Gets Clear Backpacks – It’s Clear They Don’t Like Them
Since we as a society won’t do anything substantial to prevent school shootings school administrators usually just end up punishing students. It was that way at my Upstate NY high school after Columbine. Not much has changed in the nearly 20 years since. This week Stoneman Douglas Students received donated clear backpacks. The use of…
[Photos] March For Our Lives in Washington DC
Last Saturday NationofChange.org sent me to Washington DC to cover what would end up being one of the largest protests in American history. 800,000 students, parents and just plain Americans took to the nations Capitol to make their feelings known on the governments inability to work towards reasonable gun reform. They made a lot of…
Episode 11: Nazi’s Lose And Unions Win
Unions win and Nazi’s lose this week in the news. Subscribe on podbean, or on iTunes. This is the Visu.News podcast. This week my co-host Aaron Cynic and I talk about the two stories that we covered for Visu.News and NationOfChange.org But before we get into the news – I have to remind you As…
Stuff I Picked Up At CPAC
Become a Patron! I’m back from CPAC – the annual Conservative Political Action Conference – in Maryland. Finally caught up on my assignments (Desmogblog/NationOfChange), I’m able to work through some of the pamphlets, books, stickers and flyers that I picked up while I was there. There’s not a lot surprising here, but it’s always illuminating to…
The Post: A Small Rebellion
“I’ve always wanted to be part of a small rebellion.” Steven Spielberg’s The Post wants to have been released in a different era from the look of it. From the film stock to the staging of the actors it’s a classic Spielberg movie. It could have been released in ’84 and I’m not sure I…
It’s Even Worse Than You Think – Greg Palast & David Cay Johnston
LIVE FROM LA: It’s Even Worse Than You Think: David Cay Johnston & Greg Palast Live from LA – from the sold-out event. Full frontal exposure of the Trump Presidency by two New York Times bestselling investigative reporters — conversing, debating. Johnston’s It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America, opened this…
Visu.News State of the Union Hangover Party LIVE!
Tonight is the first ever (hopefully last) State of the Union speech from President Trump. Aaron Cynic and Zach D Roberts be live right after the Trump finishes bloviating. TUNE IN and SHARE! Support Zach on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/zdroberts Support Aaron on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/AaronCynic
Podcast: Black Lightning, The TV Show We Need Right Now
This is the first in likely many politics in entertainment podcasts that Visu.News will do. A crossover with the film and tv podcast Emerald City Video hosted by Russ Burlingame. I’m a regular guest on the show and Russ and I work together often for the site Comicbook.com. Black Lightning is a new superhero show…